Tuesday 25 January 2011

Development of our Idea

This was our original idea:

Old Film Synopsis:

A girl gets kidnapped. Her friend tries to find out where she is and a private detective is put on the case to look for her. After the girl is kidnapped three others have been reported missing so the detective looks for witnesses and speaks to close family/friends for information. He meets the friend and her interest and understanding impresses him, and he gives her his card. She does back to the crime scene finds evidence and takes it back to the detective. Together they solve the case - her friend turns out to be dead - there's a struggle and the kidnapper dies.

Rough storyboard of old opening sequence idea

We then decided the idea was too conventional and would not be unique from other films made before so we changed the plot and theme to add a twist.

Here is our new film synopsis:

The story focuses on a 16 year old schoolgirl, who appears to be innocent and composed. However, she once accidently killed someone after having an argument with them, and after realising that she gets pleasure from murdering, now kills anyone who annoys her. She hides her psycho killer personality under her innocent school girl appearance. The opening scene to our film is a flash-forward, and ends with the text ‘two years earlier’ on the screen at the end of the sequence. We then go back in time to when the girl first began killing, and as the film goes on she murders more and more people. The film ends when she frames another girl for the murders. She leaves free, ready for her next conquest.

Rough storyboard of our new opening sequence idea

New opening sequence in detail:

The girl, in her school uniform, is walking home from school through a forest and park. A scary looking man seems to be following her, and the audience are lead to believe that he is about to kidnap her. Suddenly, she turns around and attacks him, pushing him to the ground. She stands above him, waiting for him to die. She comedically cuts off his moustache, and drops it into her bag, saying “Another one for my collection…” She leaves behind something that is unique to her, reflecting her schoolgirl killer persona. The scene ends with her walking away, her uniform messed up and looking much more rebellious than before.


We have changed the synopsis by making the girl the killer, instead of the man, which is not what the audience expects and adds intrigue to the film. It is also more original and will therefore make the film more interesting, whilst also making it appeal to females and males due to the strong female character who dominates in the film. We decided to have her kill men who had done something wrong, or weren't nice people so that the audience sympthathises with her in some way, whilst also allowing the audience to relate to her as she is a young schoolgirl.

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