Thursday 27 January 2011

Stereotypes in Horror Movies

In our film we are going to play on the stereotypes of horror movies and twist them around to break conventions.

'The horror film has always been populated by male monsters, many of which do carry out monstrous acts of violation, rape and castration. The horror film is also filled with male monsters who grow fur, change shape, bleed and give birth. What is it that defines male monstrosity? How does the male monster differ from the female monster? In contrast to the monstrous-feminine, the male monster is almost always defined in close relation to its sexual other, that is, the male monster is a feminised creature linked to woman, nature and the animal. Woman is the prototype, the male monster her impression.'

We are switching this by making the girl the killer and therefore the audience will be shocked but interested.

Here are some key stereotypes from the teen horror genre:

  • Jocks and Cheerleaders usually have bad behavior and are often the first one to die
  • African-American, Asian, and Hispanics are also killed fairly soon
  • Gay people and those with obesity are killed quite quickly
  • Those who survive are usually Caucasian male or female who are nice, not promiscuous, and strong enough to take challenge after challenge.
  • The women are always the weaker ones being protected by the men in the films.

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